Volleyball Firm Foundations 1 (Jan. 11-Feb.15) - Winter 2022

K-3rd Grade (Boys and Girls Program)

Tuesdays-5:15-6:15pm (Limited to the first 40 to register)

This is our developmental program that introduces the game of volleyball to children. Within this program, players will begin to learn the basic skills of the game while also building character and leadership skills. Parents must be fully dedicated and actively involved in this program with their child.  Age appropriate games and activities will be utilized to allow for a fun environment in which the fundamental skills of the sport are presented.  Parents are expected to be involved and engaged in every training session at the facility as well as the home training portion which involves both physical and skill-based activities.  (If a parent can’t be present then it can be any adult figure in their life.)

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Monday, September 27, 2021 - Friday, January 7, 2022
  • Program Duration:
    Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - Tuesday, February 15, 2022
  • Regular Registration Cost:
  • Sibling Discount:
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
K-3rd Grade 09/27/21 12:00 AM - 01/07/22 12:00 AM$90.00Closed
$10 AYSA Donation
$10 AYSA Donation $10.00 Per Item
Donate to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization AYSAAvailable for the following Offerings: K-3rd Grade