Passing/Serving Volleyball Camp 2 (Nov. 21-22) - Winter 2022

November, 21-22   11-12:30 PM

7th-9th Grade (Limited to the first 60 athletes to register)


If your athlete is looking for extra skill specific training in the area of passing and serving then this is the camp for them! Emphasis will be placed on the following skill specific elements:


  • Serving to score mentality.
  • Utilizing the one step serving approach. 
  • Consistent contact and how to use a greater amount of power.
  • Placement of the serve into specific zones on the court. 
  • Introducing higher level serves (jump serve) or building consistency and power into already established high level serves. 


  • Proper form and ready position work.
  • Athletic footwork that will get them to the ball quickly. 
  • Learning how to read/react and make quick decisions to a ball coming over the net whether being served or hit. 
  • Learning how to create proper angles to direct the ball to the desired target zone. 
  • Limiting unnecessary movements such as swinging arms and extra steps.  
  • Progression for each passer based on their skill level. 
  • Introducing higher level footwork movement for defensive players. 

For all AYSA camps, emphasis will be placed on repetition, technique, maximum efficient mobility, and proper mechanics.

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Monday, September 27, 2021 - Monday, November 21, 2022
  • Program Duration:
    Monday, November 21, 2022 - Tuesday, November 22, 2022
  • Regular Registration Cost:
  • Sibling Discount:
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
7th-9th Grade 09/27/21 12:00 AM - 11/21/22 12:00 AM$60.00Closed
$10 AYSA Donation
$10 AYSA Donation $10.00 Per Item
Donate to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization AYSAAvailable for the following Offerings: 7th-9th Grade