Setter/Hitter Volleyball Camp 2 (Jan. 3-4) - Winter 2023

January, 3-4   11-12:30 PM

7th-9th Grade (Limited to the first 60 athletes to register)


If your athlete is looking for extra skill specific training in the area of setting and hitting then this is the camp for them! Emphasis will be placed on the following skill specific elements:


  • Proper mechanics and shape of hands when receiving a ball overhead. 
  • Athletic footwork that will utilize the "left-right" finish.
  • Learning how to utilize legs and arms together to to create a consistent power push. 
  • Emphasis placed on proper height and location to place a ball for hitters. 
  • How to lead a hitter by setting a ball in front of them for best hitting results. 
  • Defensive transition work that will create game-like situations and build quick decision making skills. 
  • Higher level setting skills: jump sets, back sets, quick sets
  • Quick decision making and running plays out of serve receive. 


  • Proper approach footwork mechanics that will lead to consistency and momentum building.
  • Focus on proper power jumping techniques to get players to their most efficient vertical heights. 
  • Learning how to contact the ball consistently and in front of the athlete.
  • Transitioning from passer to attacker in a fluid motion while building momentum. 
  • Transition footwork off the net.  
  • Learning how to hit with power by properly engaging the core. 
  • Higher level hitting techniques and plays: running quicks, slides, shoots, tipping and roll shot training. 

For all AYSA camps, emphasis will be placed on repetition, technique, maximum efficient mobility, and proper mechanics.

Program Details
  • Registration Status:
  • Regular Registration:
    Monday, September 27, 2021 - Monday, January 2, 2023
  • Program Duration:
    Tuesday, January 3, 2023 - Wednesday, January 4, 2023
  • Regular Registration Cost:
  • Sibling Discount:
OfferingRegistration DatesCostStatus
7th-9th Grade 09/27/21 12:00 AM - 01/02/23 12:00 AM$60.00Closed
$10 AYSA Donation
$10 AYSA Donation $10.00 Per Item
Donate to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization AYSAAvailable for the following Offerings: 7th-9th Grade