TRACK & FIELD (Girls and Boys)
Registration Deadline:
Friday, April 11, 2025
Coaches Meetings:
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 (Virtual 6:30pm)
Roster Due Date:
Monday, May 5th, 2025
All rosters will be created by coaches through - please assign athletes on the Wednesday before every meet by 6pm except for the Preliminary Meet and 8th Grade Pentathlon.
Preliminary Meet:
Saturday, May 3, 2025, at Renton Memorial Stadium
Pool A: 10:00am / Pool B 2:30pm
Qualifying Meet #1:
Saturday, May 10th, 2025, at Renton Memorial Stadium
Pool A: 2:30pm / Pool B 10:00am
8th Grade Pentathlon:
Sunday, May 11th, 2025, at West Seattle Stadium
All participants: 1:00pm
Qualifying Meet #2:
Sunday May 18th, 2025, at Highline Stadium
Pool A: 10:00am / Pool B: 2:30pm
Championship Meet:
Saturday, June 7th, 2025, at Renton Memorial Stadium
All-Comers 10:00am
Championship Meet 12:00pm
Grades 4 through 8
$30 per athlete
*A $5.00 CYO Administration fee will be charged per athlete
Order of Events
Qualifying Meets
Championship Meet
Volunteer Training
High Jump - Qualifying Meet | Championship Meet | Video Explanation
Long Jump - Qualifying Meet | Championship Meet | Prelim Video | Measuring Instructions Video
Shot Put - Qualifying Meet | Championship Meet | Prelim Video | Measuring Instructions Video
Softball Throw - Qualifying Meet | Championship Meet | Prelim Video | Measuring Instructions Video
Turbo Jav - Qualifying Meet | Championship Meet | Prelim Video | Measuring Instructions Video
Relay Race Flag Judge - Instructions/Rules
Coach Resources
• All teams must have uniform tops of the same color with team name clearly defined. T-shirts will be fine.
• 7th and 8th grade athletes may wear up to 1/4" track spikes. All 4-6th grade athletes must wear non-spiked athletic shoes; this excludes all spiked track shoes even if the spikes are removed. Any participant discovered to be using illegal shoes will be automatically disqualified by CYO officials and/or commissioners.
• All participants are required to report to running and field events with 2-inch x 4-inch label name tags color-coded by grade attached to their team shirt. The label MUST list all of the following for the child to compete:
o First and Last Name in that order
o Grade and Gender
o The events they are competing in.
o Where applicable their tags must list A or B heat.
• Name Tags must match these colors:
o 4th grade (3rd) – blue
o 5th grade – pink/red
o 6th grade – green
o 7th grade – yellow
o 8th grade – orange
• The color-coded name tags 1) help to ensure children participate in their correct grade division for individual events and 2) reduce the time spent recording results at the finish line.
• Penalty for an athlete competing in an event they should not have.
o If noticed prior to the event taking place (i.e. at the start line, or as they sign in for a field event), they will be informed they cannot compete in this event, and directed to the right one if it has not taken place.
o The coach will be informed of the mistake, but this will not count as an official warning.
o If the infraction is noticed after the fact, the competing athlete will be disqualified, and the coach will be given a warning. As this infraction may occur more than once at a given meet, the warning will cover the entire meet. However, in every occurrence the athlete will be disqualified.
o For subsequent offenses occurring at a later meet, the athlete will be disqualified in every instance, and the coach will be required to attend the next available PLACT Sports as Ministry coaches training, to be completed prior to their next season of coaching.
o NOTE: A coach who is suspended from coaching a team by CYO Athletics is not eligible to be present as a fan for that CYO Athletics event.
o If the suspended coach does in fact attend a meet after they have been suspended, and refuses to leave, their team will forfeit any points scored at the Championship Meet.
o In all instances when a warning or a suspension has occurred, the AD will be communicated with so there is a full understanding of the consequences.
• 6th grade boys and 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls will use a 6-lb shot. 7th and 8th grade boys will use an 8-lb shot.
• Turbo Jav participants will use the 300 gram turbojav.
• In Relays/Medleys teams shall provide their own batons. Tape, stickers, and adhesive are not permitted on batons.
All CYO Athletics Track and Field teams will participate in accordance with the current National Federation of State High School Association rules unless otherwise specified in this manual or the rules herein outlined.
• Coaches are responsible for attending the preseason coaches meeting. In the event that this is not possible, the head coach must make sure an assistant coach represents the team.
o If they fail to do so, their team will forfeit the opportunity to score in the Team Championship meet.
• All parishes/schools wanting to combine to form a team must submit a request to the CYO Athletics office before the registration deadline. Each case will be reviewed independently, and all decisions will be determined by the staff of CYO Athletics in consultation with the Track & Field Committee. The review will be based on the number of programs involved and the total number of athletes participating. We desire a situation where no cuts occur, but we want every athlete to be able to compete in multiple events. Combination Teams may not exceed a roster size of 85, but Unified Programs and individual parishes may exceed a roster size of 85.
• A, AA and AAA configuration will be determined once the rosters are turned into the office of CYO Athletics. Designations will be based on a combination of roster size and team performance at the Qualifying Meets.
• All teams are responsible to provide volunteers for all meets. Volunteer assignments will be given out at the coaches meeting and will be on the lane assignment sheet.
• Each team’s volunteers must sign-in at the appointed time for volunteers and sign-out at the conclusion of duties.
• Volunteers should be willing to stay the entire meet.
• Teams will be charged $50.00 per volunteer they do not supply per meet.
• CYO Track & Field is for 4th graders and up. You may add 3rd graders to your roster only when you have less than eight (8) 4th grade boys or girls, and then you may add only enough 3rd graders to bring your total 4th grade team roster to 8 boys or 8 girls.
• A contestant must remain in the same grade division for all events in which they compete. An exception to this rule allows a youth to run in an older grade division relay while still competing within his/her own grade division in the individual events.
• In the 4th through 8th grade sprints, there will be "A" heats for the quickest runners and "B" heats for the remaining competitors.
• All 400m races are run in lanes with one participant per lane.
• Coaches must remain in the stands during all meets. Only contestants who are participating, or whose event has been called shall be on the track or field.
• Contestants must start from a standing or crouching set position only. In all running events where lanes are assigned, runners must remain in their assigned lanes.
• Relay Judge Instructions
1. Red Flag while kids find their lanes, identify their pass zones and where they will start the race
2. White Flag up while kids are ready – hold white flag up until the end of the race if there are no disqualifications
3. Red Flag for Disqualification if you see –
a. Baton exchanged outside of the pass zone (position of the baton, not the runners, govern the exchange)
b. Runners leave their lane – can be before or after exchange (incoming runners must stay in lane until course is clear)
c. Baton is dropped and picked up by the next runner instead of the runner who dropped it
d. In retrieving a dropped baton, runner interferes with or impedes another runner
4. Communicate to meet official what you saw if there was a disqualification, remembering which team was disqualified, so we can write it down on a Disqualification Form.
• Contestants will be disqualified for impeding runners in other lanes.
• All Shuttle Relay teams will be right hand to right hand. Teams will be disqualified for using a running start in a Shuttle Relay. Both feet of the runner must be behind the starting line until they have touched the hand of the oncoming runner.
• When a tie occurs in the Long Jump, Turbo Jav, and Softball Throw, a jump off/throw off will be implemented to determine placement. For Shot Put, the tie is broken by tied competitors' next longest put of the three already executed. For High Jump, break ties as follows: a) least misses at last height cleared; b) least total misses. If still tied, bar will be moved to previous height cleared for one jump. If both clear the jump, it will be considered a tie. If both miss the jump, one more jump will be taken by each contestant. If both either make or miss this 2nd jump the competition will be deemed a tie.
• Meet Committee – composed of CYO Athletics staff, commissioners, and volunteers – will rule upon any issues that arise during a track meet.
• Disqualifications – for any possible DQ, the head coach for the team(s) under review will be called to the finish line tent to discuss the issue with meet officials. A DQ form will be filled out with the relevant information and statements, reviewed by the meet committee and ruled upon. All decisions of the meet committee are final.
• Extra heats will not be run when participants miss an event.
A team may enter the following number of participants per team, per grade, per gender (except where indicated):
Running Events –
• Sprints – 4th and 5th graders: 50m, 60m, 75m, 100m
• Sprints – 6th, 7th and 8th graders: 75m, 100m
o A-heats - one participant
o B-heats - unlimited participants
• 200m – 4th-8th graders, 2 participants
• 400m – 4th-8th graders, 3 participants
• 800m – 4th-8th graders, 4 participants
• 1600m – 4th-8th graders, 4 participants
Field Events –
• Long Jump – 2 participants
• Turbo Jav. – 4th and 5th graders – 3 participants and 6th, 7th and 8th graders – 2 participants
• Softball Throw – 4th and 5th graders – 3 participants, and 6th grade – 2 participants
• Shot Put – 6th grade – 2 participants, 7th and 8th graders – 3 participants
• High Jump – 6th grade – 2 participants, 7th and 8th graders – 3 participants
Relay/Medley Events – No B-heats
• Shuttle Relay – 4th and 5th graders – one relay/team/grade/gender
• 4x100 Relay – 4th-8th graders – one relay/team/grade/gender
• 4x200 Relay – one relay/team/gender
• Sprint Medley (100m, 100m, 200m, 400m) – one medley/team/gender
• 4x400 Coed Relay – one relay per team (must be coed)
Note: Qualifying Meets each athlete may participate in only one running event, one field event, one Shuttle or 4x100 Relay and either the 4x200 Relay, Sprint Medley, or 4x400m Coed Relay.
Athlete may only run in the same running event and participate in the same field event for both qualifying meets.
The top 8 fastest runners in the A-heats from both qualifying meets will qualify for the championship meet. This is in regard to the 50m, 60m, 75m, 100m, 200m, and 400m.
For example, runner A from St. Joseph runs in the 100m in the first qualifying meet and qualifies in the top 8 while runner B also from St. Joseph runs in the second qualifying meet in the 100m and qualifies in the top 8. Both runners will qualify to run in the championship meet even though they are from the same school.
Electronic Timing will be used at both Qualifying Meets. At the Roster Deadline, teams will need to submit names, grade, gender and team name of all individual runners and their races as well as the Field Event Participants and relays your team will be participating in. Substitutions after the deadline will not be accepted.
• For the All-Comers, which is held prior to the Championship Meet, all non-qualifiers for the Championship Meet are invited to compete.
• Any athlete competing for an A-heat, Field Event or Relay/Medley in the Championship Meet may not participate in the All-Comers.
• The All-Comers includes the 50m and 60m (for 4th and 5th graders only), and the 75m, 100m, and 200m for all grades.
• All-Comers participants are also eligible to run in one B-heat at the Championship Meet.
• A-heats are for qualified athletes only
• Field Events are for qualified athletes only
• Relay Teams are for qualified athletes only (substitute from team roster is permitted if original qualifier is absent).
• Teams may enter unlimited participants in the following B-heats: 50m and 60m (4th and 5th grade only), 75m, 100m. Clearly indicate B-heat on name tags.
• The top eight finishers from the results of the Qualifying Meet in each sprint, relay and medley will qualify to compete for medals and team points in the Championship Meet.
• The top 16 finishers in each field event from the results of the Qualifying Meet will qualify to compete for medals and team points in the Championship Meet.
• Note: Field event qualification requires at least one legal attempt. Athletes who scratch all three attempts, or do not clear the minimum height in high jump will not qualify.
• All 800m and 1600m participants who complete the Qualifying Meet race qualify for the Championship Meet.
• The fastest 8 times from all A-heats will determine the qualifiers in the Sprints. This is in regard to the 50m, 60m, 75m, 100m, 200m, and 400m.
Lanes for the Championship Meet will be determined by the order of finish.
• Athletes who do not qualify for an A-heat Running Event are eligible to run in one B-heat at the Championship Meet.
• Medallions will be presented to the first three finalists in each event at the Championship Meet.
• Fourth through eighth place finishers will be awarded ribbons.
• The Championship Meet scoring is:
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 8 points
3rd place = 6 points
4th place = 5 points
5th place = 4 points
6th place = 3 points
7th place = 2 points
8th place = 1 point
B-heat winner = ½ point
More than one participant from a team may earn points in the same event.
• The following trophies will be awarded at the Championship Meet. Awards are based on the total points earned in each category.
1) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for the A, AA, and AAA Overall Team Championship based upon the highest combined total of points for all grades and genders.
2) 1st place overall Girl’s Team Championship - based on the highest combined point total for A, AA and AAA
3) 1st place overall Boys’ Team Championship - based on highest combined point total for A, AA and AAA
A pentathlon will be held for 8th grade boys and girls. The events participated in include the 100m, 400m, 800m, long jump and shot put. Only 8th graders on the team roster may participate. There is a $15 entry fee per contestant. The 1st through 3rd place finishers in both girl’s and boy’s divisions will receive trophies which are presented at the Championship Meet.
• The first five finishers for both genders in the 8th grade pentathlon will earn team points. They are scored as 10-8-6-4-2 and these points are used for the overall team championship tally only.
• Every other participant in the 8th grade pentathlon who scores in all events will accrue 1 point for the overall team championship.