Complete this form if you would like to make your Sponsorship Donation via Check or Venmo. If you would like to make your donation via Credit Card, please return to the Sponsorship Opportunities page.
Below is a review of sponsorship opportunities to make a direct impact on the Hillsborough High School Football Program. As passionate supporters, we believe in the power of community and the importance of providing our student-athletes with the resources they need to succeed. Explore our sponsorship packages below and join us in championing excellence on and off the field.
Thank you for considering partnering with us to support our Raiders!

Check payments should be made out to "HRTA" and mailed to PO Box 6266 Hillsborough, NJ 08844 "ATTN Media Guide".
Venmo payments should be made to @HRTA-Football with "Media Guide" as the description.
Credit Card payments should be made using the Sponsor Opportunities page.