The 2024 Raider football season will begin before you know it! The new season will start off with our annual Kick-off Brunch, an informal get together for families to meet old acquaintances, make new friends, meet the coaches, and show support to our team!
Saturday-August 24th 12:00pm-3:00pm
in the HHS Commons
Also during the brunch you will have the opportunity to…
- Purchase apparel and other Raider items
- Sign-up to sell 50/50’s at Varsity home games (freshman parents)
- Sign-up to help with Team Needs events
- Become a member of the Touchdown Club
- Turn-in monies from Raider Card sales
- Pick-up your Raider Football Player Lawn sign (free to all incoming Freshman and new players)
Chair people for each of the above committees will be on hand to answer any questions and assist you in your choices.
We look forward to seeing you at the brunch and appreciate the support for your Raider Football Team!!
Register below for the brunch.
You can also email the information below to the Team Needs Co-chairperson- Carolina Seamon BoroTeamneeds@gmail.com